Morning Glory
[Save us - Cartel]
Happy Birthday My Sexy Friends -
Catherine Julia Lim and Jessica Kayla (?) Chan!
Phantom last friday was fantastic, with a fab 'everything'. Especially loved the part of the masquerade, those costumes and masks were absolutely stunning. The set was lovely btw, the lighting, backdrop, chandelier were beyond gorgeous! Yes, and the singing/music? Just brilliantly brilliant.
School's been kinda fun these days, thanks to the presence of a.. sex bomb. Hahaha VIC = SEX BOMB, yo (inside joke) okay today's chinese was damn awesome. spent half the lesson watching The OC on Vic's iPod which was definitely more entertaining than 105 minutes of intensive. Recess was good cos Jessica got caked, how.. sweet :) And omg, founders day on friday, aw last founders day ever. but it's alright, we'll sing the too-cool-for-school french song very very loudly! that is, if we can still get our lyrics right.
I shall start baking my brownie soon! If your wondering why the only thing I ever seem to bake is a brownie, it's cos... that's the only thing I've succeeded so far in baking, HAHA