Sunday, May 27

Happy days
[Polaris - Jimmy Eat World]

Before anything,
Happy Confirmation Nora Jessica Kayla Chan Kai Ling!
not forgetting Jeanette and my very little neofriend Sarah Cheong ;)

Friday, was a not so enthusiastic founders day, followed by Us, gripping in fear when Aline Cat and Shir pierced their ears, caught pirates and then home where I fell asleep on the couch in front of the telly thrice :)

Yesterday - I woke up extremely early just for CIP. Catherine and I just sat in the library tearing bookmarks, teaching kids how to express their thoughts on why they love the library and pasting winnie the pooh stickers. hahaha 'twas quite fun actually, especially knowing that some dudes have 'cheapskate' labelled on their foreheads, so much so they get 8 separate receipts, for 8 lucky draw dips. Rushed back just in time to bathe, pack my stuff before going to Jessica's with Za to help her with her makeup. She looked hot, yo!

Since Za and I reached church early, we checked out (okay checked out sounds wrong) the confirmants + walked around. Waited for the rest which seemed like forever and then they came, haha. Mass went by quick, gave flowers, took pictures, dinner and home, thinking about what a blast saturday had been.