So so so overdue but anyway! Orientation '09 was super mega ultra exciting ball of fun. Absolutely love IG35 because they are willing to taupok John haha and camwhore and say the silly superman cheer over and over again. That aside, I think the people who made the 6 days survivable were my Hestia Homiezz 4life :) The people whom I constantly went insane with at 10 o'clock at night, in school, cutting costumes and what not. Awesome awesome group of 'em whom I love very much, aw. And not forgetting a whole lot of other people, every facil especially my prosperity burger coolio Maccers!!! Seriously, PROSPERITY BURGER.. SAY WITH ME. and then commencement rehearsal after finale night which was initially a total bummer x10, but I ended up having the wildest time with my favourite people. CA ftwwww.
OK with orientation over, I now enter school everyday ready for a battle. It's me, against lectures & tutorials. Talk about a fair game haaa. But it's okay, I have my weapons, meaning chocolates and more chocolates. My stomach is like a bottomless pit these days, except that it leaves me looking like a ball grr. On a random note, Valentine's was lovely, full of love indeed. My friends are super bakers :)
Alright, pictures from, dinner with the girls in January, Chinese New Year, and orientation as soon as CTs are over. Keep safe x