[We've Only Just Begun - The Carpenters]
I know, quite some days late after Christmas and the New Year but since there are 12 days of Christmas, Merry Christmas and I hope you had a Happy new year's. It's a new year, new beginning, new start, almost like a new page to your new diary. Wow, in this case, it's really having the lack of a better word to 'new'. I don't think 2008 was an easy one, but it was a fun and wild ride. I know who I need to be thankful for, I mean. REALLY thankful for. I have a bad habit which is leaving people out (with no intention of course) so no names mentioned! except for Dad & Mom because well.. probably only I know. It was a crazy, exciting, awesomely thrilling year that zoomed by faster than a bullet train. Wouldn't trade anything in 2008 for the worldddd. 2009, OK? Let's go.