Saturday, April 26

In your face
[Seventeen Forever - Metro Station]

Happy (a few days late) 17th, lovely Alyssa Tan :)
hope you had a smashing time cake & presents, cyberhug xxx


Wuzzzzup world. Highlights of the week:

Elections are over + SCORED A (ridiculous) GOAL FOR SOCCER DURING PE!! awesome exciting shiz + Jessica Chan = Man of the match :B + Slightly losing our addiction to the game of bridge + Za/Fatty/Alyssa Tan's lovely 17th + Realising the goodness of katjes' gummy packs + CHANEL + CLAM

Pardon the jumble of words injected with countless '+' signs. Haha could not think of a better way to put my thoughts into words since it's only 9:11 am in the morning. Am hoping it doesn't rain today. I like the rain but I don't feel like getting wet you know? Extremely ironic but the thought of soaking shoes is not very pretty haha. On a random note, out tonight to celebrate Timothy's 18th. Sounds like some awesome exciting shiz :)

Ok, off to eat supercook auntie susan's pancakes ! Have a brilliant weekenddd.