Monday, January 14

Midnight explosion
[Portions for Foxes - Rilo Kiley]

So, finale night last wednesday was awesome awesome. Everyone was high on cheers, mass dance, everything! Ole house is da bomb with our red cards and green glowsticks hahaha. Reminded me of Christmas actually but that's besides the point. Well, met up with the new class with new people. 1T32's pretty awesome I'd say! And we are supposedly 'very happening' ? Haha that's very interesting to hear. But well, all's swell in school so far! At least I still see the great IG 8 around + the good ol' 4/2 classmates. On an even brighter note, my legs have seemed to be completely clear of red spots, or rather rashes. Aftereffects of the whole rolling in the mud thing in case you were wondering.

Saturday saw me getting my entire body soaked in mud, again. This time, it was the entire body - arms legs neck, everything srsly! After that was meet up with the ever so wonderful 4/2 at Liting's. Well, only a fraction of the class but was good fun nonetheless. Much less to say, we're gonna be missing Miss Little Yuen very much when she's away in Canada. Yessss we had a blast with plenty of food and catching up on each other's post secondary lives hahaha. Still miss them all :)

This week, Daryl & Chelsea have left for home in New Zealand, Liting has left for school in Canada. Take care my lovely lovely friends :)