The biggest thank you(s) for the ever-so-lovely cousins for the surprise. Prettiest balloons blown up by the most beautiful people. Dad&Mom for being the best secret keepers. Not forgetting, my favourite girls, the 'Queens of Surprises' who amazingly turned up at the park near the house with candles, many pictures, a stunning sweet sixteen board and a sand cake. Don't think millions of thankyous will be enough, but anyway, thank you from the bottom of this heart of 16 years. Love you all to death.
Before The Day is over, thank you to those who remembered :)
P.S Happy Seventeenth Emili Tay! xo.
P.P.S To the awesomest hangout crew/girls of all time (plus dickydoo): thank you for everything, not just today but for the years we've been tgther. So sappy but school will never be as fun without the 9 of you around anymore. From doing the silliest things in class like being childish sec 4s, to heart to hearts, it's been brilliant. Will be missing every single one of you to death next year when we no longer hang out 5 days a week, bitching/eating/studying. Love yall love yall love yall, foreverrrr.