[Plays Pretty for Baby - Saosin]
Back from japan and it was THIS awesome. That means very awesome btw haha. Yes basically it was huge railway stations + countless rice crackers + 3 storeys high stores (think LV, Chanel, Gucci…) + harajuku weekend kids + fab supermarkets + bento boxes + lots of walking + trying to converse with amazingly friendly Japanese + convenience stores with everything + ahlian neoprintz with jeseecar&charmie + shopping + meeting uncle fukunaga & family (Erika too cute!) + snow in nikko + great weather + hilltop casita + 2cool4you toilet bowls + many other things.. I miss The Land of Sushi already. Was getting all excited while telling weiling places to visit hahaha she was going crazy even before boarding the plane. Oh and friends, being Jessica and Charmaine were good company. Did I mention we also possibly embarrassed ourselves in the train stations getting high on Sunday night? It was so much fun anyway :) brought back tons of chocolate with stuff like kitkat cookies and milk, apple, greentea. LOVE JAPAAAN.
Sentosa yesterday with the girls whereby we got ourselves burnt. Bumming around with them for 6 hours was good. Aw love them all the same. (more) Pictures from japan and sentosa really really soon :)
OH not forgetting, Everyone around me seems to be involved in some form of work or another. As for me? I’ve spent the after o’s time with Dr. Mcdreamy and Meredith, movies, basically things that are unproductive but enjoyable haha. Meeting chan tomorrow, hopefully to find ourselves with a job either at donut factory or b&js. Fingers crossed and wish us luck!Okay off to watch rent, again. Happy holidaaaays.