Saturday, September 1

[The Decemberists]

Hi Hello How are you? Things have been in the right motion ever since thursday. That's a great sign, finally taking a breather, taking a breather, taking a breather. Listening to good music at this hour of the night, wrapped in my fuzzy comforter makes it that much better. Hahaha all I need now, is a cup of hot chocolate, perfect :)

Hairspray yesterday afternoon with 2 of the funniest people around! All was good except for the fact that there was this group of girls who had heart arrests everytime zac efron appeared on screen. Can you imagine if it were high school musical? but it was quite hilarious anyway, we were laughing at them all the while. Met so many people along the streets and eventually with emelyn for ice-creaaaam. Sorry for my lack of vocabulary and descriptive skills to make the day sound exciting but it really was haha! Ok that aside, have a brilliant time in Boston emelyn chew, we'll miss you! x infinity

No school for a week, so exciting yayza. On the downside, I'll have to find my daily sources of noise since I won't be meeting the 2cool4school classmates for 5 days. I just made them sound very noisy haha, but it's ok cos I like them that way! Aw :)

That aside, I have been entertaining what-if thoughts for the past 2 days. This is what happens when you put aside 'dating' your books 24/7 and end up thinking about redundant things, ha ha. What if.. what if.. WHAT IF. It's times like these that I don't quite like my brain.