[Miss Delaney - Jacks Mannequin]
It's the weekend, can you feel the excitement, like how thrilling it is to wake up from your warm fuzzy bed at 10, how your daily thoughts seem happier or how you don't have to worry about teachers telling you your fringe is in your eyes haha. Ok so it isn't exactly the weekend but well, no school till monday! the only thing I'll miss is the fantastic company of the people I see 5 days a week, za, charmie, meinujessicachan (I make her sound stupid hahaha) vic dic, shir I-am-so-horny, big mac rappers...
Yesterday's national day celebs weren't very awesome. The only part we enjoyed was the sing-along session that got us weirdly hyped up and started singing 'home' at the top of our voices. And of course, the parade was just, comic relief, especially with our luv parading. Met mom for 'bonding' over lunch and shopping after that. ended up having sushi again, gotta love seaweed!
My red shirt is beckoning, shall put it on when I leave the house later. National pride forever, haha. Wish I had tickets to the parade though. I cannot imagine how beautiful the fireworks will look.. Live. Right in front of your eyes, explosions of colours in.the.sky. How wonderful is that?