Sunday, June 3

[Driftwood - Travis]

Wonderful weekend!

Yesterday was ‘fat day out’ with the doods: Za and Jessica. Haha it was so weird , the 3 of us wore black tops, denim bottoms and our not so trusty mondos. Broke out in laughter when we realised that we were practically in almost identical outfits. Thanks to the mondos that almost killed our feet, we had to resort to sticking plasters right smack in the middle of town. How very...awesome. Ok so, we basically just walked alot, shopped alot, ate alot (peach coolers + ice-cream + cheesecake + baked rice) and talked alot. btw, jessica does the stupidest poses while taking pictures, like attempting to look very shocked or otherwise, trying to make herself smile look like this -> :D anyway, it was a smashing time with the both of them, Love yall fatsos :)

Today – I arranged an extremely spontaneous meet up with Mich when I figured I had to go down to town. So thankfully, thankfully she was home when I sent her a text and then we took the bus down to far east. Sent Jo’s poster for printing then we just hung around, wasted 30 minutes walking round and round in circles hahaha. Collected the poster before heading for kid’s chocolate and Snapple! We buried our heads in physics testpapers for about an hour or so, then left for home. Thanks Girlfriend for accompanying me today though it was so very last minute, You da bomb yo! :)

Campus superstar tomorrow. I don't have a clue on what it's about (Never tuned into it) except that I know Jo's the best contestant there and she's gonna sing her best tomorrow, yay. Watch her on TV everybody, and VOTE FOR JOANNA TEO.

Ok good night, see you around kiddos!