Monday, June 11

[Comforting Sounds - Mew]

Been keeping myself occupied with movies lent by the dvd pirates-classmates! Rent was so good, I watched it twice in a row. and Rosario Dawson's voice is brilliant btw, actually? Every song in the movie is amazing. I think I'm gonna watch it soon again, rent rent rent.

Went down to Borders yesterday with Mom. Apart from Ikea, Borders is another place I could stay all day - wandering around the paperchase section looking at very pretty boxes and diaries, sitting on the floor with a good read, hanging out at the cd collection or walking up and down. I'm weird in such ways, just like how I eat my oreos without the cream or how I like to sleep at quarters of the hour. hahaha the list could go on but I won't bore you with my very weird antics.

Today -
I finished 'For One more day' on the way to training. Came home and I baked cookies! My hands still reek of butter but they turned out quite quite quite fine :) Did very special ones for a special girl turning SIXTEEN tomorrow!

Ok enough said, I shall get back to copper (II) sulphate and sodium hydroxide, my trusty buddies HA.